
21 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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Very nice!
All the ideas merge together beautifully, I like this subtle panning effect, it helps get into following a longer 1 beat/measure when getting into more dreamy, ethereal parts. I really enjoyed the contrasts it creates when the drums come back, you sure have talent for this style! Sound quality is nice, clean, production quality is there, and there's piano present, I'm sold! 😃 Good job!

OVERSCORE responds:

Thank you for noticing the panning effect, I worked so hard to make those pads kinda weave through the headphones and it took a lot of troubleshooting lol. I do try to only use the break drums during the climaxes to add emphasis and as you said, contrast. Very happy to hear that everything is up to par!

May you live a long and happy life together!
Beautiful piece, very interesting modulations throughout.
I love music that evokes efficiently feelings and ideas, and this one doesn't fail!
I get a sense of joy, fulfillment, bursts of positive emotions, accompanied by a tiny bit of incertitude, but a strong sense of resolve. You are both very talented!

LucidShadowDreamer responds:

Thank you for the well wishes, and for the encouraging words!
I'm happy too see you're able to interpret the feelings of the composition well ^____^

I must say, I've heard some of your music, and it's fantastic!!! I'm sure you'll see some reviews from me sooner or later ;)

Also, we'll see if you make it into the NGADM... If you do, and I happen to make it to further rounds, I'll have to work hard on trying to beat you :O!!! Good luck :)

Such a beautiful piece! We can feel the nostalgia of leaving the land of their childhood, transforming into a series of life changing discoveries. Ending in a somewhat mysterious maybe dark place, open for the next chapter. Very nice production, immersive, not too much distraction so it would sure fit very well as background in many adventure type scenery without stealing the show but by adding to it a lot. I really like episodic compositions that bring us on a less predictable path. Sound quality is good, I like the choice of instruments, composition, vibe and mix. Musicality and immersivity achieved! Hats off, very well done!

HollandAlbright responds:

Thank you for such a thoughtful comment! I really want to score for animated film, so I often think of stories or scenes as I write. I love what you described here about a character leaving their childhood home- it's exciting, but hard to leave what's familiar or comfortable- a coming of age kind of thing. Thank you again! :)

Good choice of instrument, clean mix, great production quality, I like this evolving theme, it fits quite perfectly for its purpose. Great piece of art altogether with the illustration, the text and music. It requires talent and skill to achieve an immersive experience like what you did here, well done!

Everratic responds:

I'm glad you enjoyed it! I really enjoy your work as well!

Is it some 15/8 time signature? I've got an idea recorded somewhere that sounds very close to this rhythmic pattern but in 5/4 😊 Love it and the chord progression. Simple and efficient

OVERSCORE responds:

This is just common time, but I would be very interested to hear your 5/4 similar recording. Glad you enjoyed the simplicity!

Beautiful and touching piece! These harmonies...😭Yet, still full of hope! I love it

HollandAlbright responds:

Thank you so much! I'm glad it spoke to you.

Wonderful! Very interesting timing. Calm, meditative. What process did you use to achieve this sound?

Phonometrologist responds:

Hi there! When you ask for the "process," are you referring to the composing aspect or the recording?
It all starts with tinkering and improvising on the piano. Eventually it grows from there, but if you're looking for more technical procedures in recording, let me know. Wouldn't want to inundate you with information you don't want.

You have such a wonderful capacity to create beautiful musicality in simplicity. We can hear more than notes in your pieces. I love how you worked your sound, such a soft tone, calming in itself.

Phonometrologist responds:

I apologize for the delayed response, but I appreciate the time you took in letting me know your thoughts on this.

I listened to a couple of your compositions. I think you got a couple good ideas here, more than the others I listened to. If you want one tip to get better results : Get a midi controller when you can to get a more intuitive way to put notes together. I'm sure you would improve all of your compositions and be more efficient! Best of luck in your musical journey, never stop learning and experimenting!

ViciousVictory responds:

Saving up for one!!! Thanks for the kind words and suggestions, rock on 🤘

My keyboard is my refuge, where I can let feelings and thoughts flow freely, find solace in solitude, my solacitude. I play simple piano melodies and harmonies, alternating between light and darkness, my music evokes melancholy, hope, resolve, peace <3


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