My keyboard is my refuge, where I can let feelings and thoughts flow freely, find solace in solitude, my solacitude. I play simple piano melodies and harmonies, alternating between light and darkness, my music evokes melancholy, hope, resolve, peace <3


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Posted by Solacitude - July 15th, 2024

A little bit about me

For the past 20 years I've been playing piano and keyboard, on and off, sometimes months without it 😥

First 2 years I had piano lessons, 45 minutes/week during high school seasons, and was in the school's orchestra for 5 years.

Then I continued to learn theory by myself and not getting back into sight reading, only improvisation as a therapy for my mind.

I don't know how to describe it, it's a feeling I can't get otherwise, that channels what I feel to the tip of my fingers, and it acts as a kind of liberation of the mind, anxiety turns off, the world disappears, I'm alone in the Universe and find solace... To me this is what music is all about.

Maybe I'm not alone in my solacitude. If you relate, or like my music, then let's get "alone" together!

I don't play music for anything other than make me feel better.

I'm not an academic, I lack in many aspects, but I try to achieve musicality, with relatively simple melodies and harmonies.

Many people told me that I should share it because it made them feel good listening to it.

I thought it would be worth to share.

Cheers! 🥰



I 100% get the feeling. Music is such an amazing escape and therapeutic release. Ever since I could remember, I've always felt a connection to music. I used to play instruments all the time, but performing anxiety got to me quite a bit and I fell out of love with it since it became another source of stress for me.

When I found music composition, my whole world of music changed. I got to enjoy the benefits of music without the stresses that come along with performing it. Also this way, my music and passion can reach more people.

However, in recent months I've been slowly worrying about if my mix is perfect or if the song is compositionally impressive, which kinda feels like I'm getting into my head too much and removing the relaxing and therapeutic aspects of music. Sometimes it's important to just ignore all that and focus on vomiting passion and love onto a project.

Anyway, good luck with NGADM, I'm rooting for you!

I think art is all about this therapeutic release. I get you with performance anxiety, I was also playing in high school orchestra and having a couple piano concerts. There is performance anxiety coming with all the tests, the concerts, the expectations. But it forges a foundation to be able to then get into composition and output higher quality content.

Composition is all about taking the time you need, without a crowd all eyes focused on you, to craft the end result you want, based on expressing what you want. Some people find comfort in the constraint brought by interpreting pieces, others thrive to navigate the freedom of expression that composition can bring.

I also often have to remind that I do it for myself, to avoid this performance anxiety to come back. Making music for yourself is what gives its most authentic vibe. Musicality can be achieve in the simplest ways. No matter how many layers of complexity there can be, I think that for as long as it's done authentically, it can be felt and will be more likely to be satisfying to you, and resonate with the listeners.

If it can help, anytime I lack inspiration, or have performance anxiety, I go extremely simple. 1 or 2 chords in different variations, and improvise very simple melodies over. The goal is to achieve musicality in the simplest way possible.

I hope you get back to this therapeutic mindset about music!
I'm on the bench for the NGADM, but NGUAC I'm going into the finals!
Thanks for rooting for me!

-Edit- I'm finally no more on the bench but in the game for NGADM! ?
Thank you and the NGADM team for giving me this opportunity!!

@Solacitude Oh crap! I may have accidentally spoiled the announcement for you, haha. Congrats though, you got this

Hey it's all right! I thought it was just a typo and you meant NGUAC so there was no spoil despite it being an obvious spoil :) The surprise was still there I seriously didn't think I would get a spot. Can't wait to start working on it! Thanks for the opportunity!

@Solacitude Haha yep NGUAC that's what I meant lmao! For all AED has to know, that's what I meant all along xD